First off, if you can read this today, you are at an advantage. You are better off than 26% of the world population who can neither read nor write. Think about that! Imagine if you were illiterate.

Our world view creates our realities. I know this to be very true. You see, I lost both my parents by the time I was 11 years old. From that point on, I took on the identity and reality of an orphan. A victim; disadvantaged, pitiful and forever dissatisfied. I adopted this perspective, and it became my reality. Please understand that my extended family took us on, educated us in the best schools our grades and their pockets could allow, but I didn’t see myself as blessed. I was AN ORPHAN. A victim. Period.

So, while my guardians did the best they could, I acted sad and sorry, I was dissatisfied, disadvantaged… I went on like this until a friend confronted my perspective. As soon as I took on the perspective of a blessed person, my reality changed. I was happier, nicer to be around and more confident about the future. Was I still an orphan? Yes. Did I have more resources? Nope. But my attitude and perspective changed, and that is powerful.

The truth is you are EXACTLY as you see yourself. It doesn’t matter what you have or don’t have. It will not be good enough as long as your perspective is that of “it’s not enough.”
Sometimes, we don’t need more stuff. We just need a new perspective.

This week, take stock of your blessings. Refuse to take on the perspective of a victim and watch your reality become better. Your circumstances will most likely be the same, but if HOW you see them changes, your reality will change too.

Have a great week 🙂

Psalms 107:1-2 
1 Give thanks to the LORD, for he is good!
His faithful love endures forever.
2 Has the LORD redeemed you? Then speak out!
Tell others he has redeemed you from your enemies. (Amplified)

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